Hey all, remember moi? well Ive done no writing since i got here which is a bit poor to be honest so I'm gonna just summarise whats been happening to keep you all up to date:
work wise; sorted out some stuff with epilepsy New Zealand to start up a youth project which ill continue to monitor from Scotland and I'm working for Youthline doing a mix of odd jobs, hands on youth work and some helpline stuff.
Fun wise; been making myself get used to the taste of beer cos cider is rare and expensive. had a couple of good nights out and seen a lot of cool sights, also got a camper van booked now to go from Christchurch back up this way as of the 14th. been to a rave even and bought myself flight of the Concords for the equivalent of about £8... exchange rate is pretty good over here btw...
kiwi people are generally really cool too which is a bonus but alas i do have to pay for the busses :(
i shall hopefully start to update more frequently soon.
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
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