im all organised... at least thats how it looks to the untrained eye. im god at manipulating people in that sense. if you didnt know any better id seem like a guy abiut to get on with a shit load of work .... pardon my french (although shit in french is mered, or merde - either way it should be pardon my cursing, not pardon my french).
anyways, ive got books out, ive sorted them into categories, ive got a mocha (of course), bottle of water, pad and pen the question and a photo copy i can make notes on, im infron of my laptop aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand i just spent the last hour online. in fairness it was semi productive, part of it was trying to find my gf a valentines day present, part of it was sending an email to someone at epilepsy scotland following up an interview the other day.... some of it was just plain bumming around. and here i am now. looking at all my organisation and realisin how frustrating it is to know that ten minutes is all it would really take to get into my work and feel good about a start to something due in next week and im so annoyed at myself that i cant do it.
yes, i am indeed one of these people who will spend more time making up a time table than following it and more time chosing books that getting them out cos when i have them out i take quotes from them and complain about how they dont count towards my word count.
but when life gets you down i just remember the life and times of jd and his vivid imagination..... pictures ike this make me smile......
when 99 red balloons go pop!
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
Call it coffee like normal folk :P
well no, cos its really hot chocolate, with the added bonus of 2 shots of coffee :P
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