The young man wonders what to do next. He is no longer part of another half. It will take some getting used to but they both understood it was for the best, and a kept friend is better than a lost one - that he knew for sure. He hasn't got round to cleaning all the things out yet though, he needs to and he knows it. 'part of the healing process' he's been told. That's just it. he doesn't feel like he needs to be healed right now, he feels that the break up was for the best. Yes, there was pain, but in the long run its for the best. A little pain now to save a lot of pain later. It makes sense really.
Space. Is that it? Has hanging out as friends been happening too fast? He doesn't think so. he feels its been ok, but feeling aren't just like a switch, that's a fact. Maybe after today there should be a couple of days space? Not suggested, not to cause pain, just to distance each other slightly to get used to the idea.
The separation was mutual, maybe the reasons were mostly his at present but eventually they would be mutual and even if they were his, he should be allowed to be selfish slightly. 3rd year, jobs, work, late night and early mornings. a weight has been lifted for now knowing that he's not being the boyfriend who treats his girlfriend badly (unintentionally though it may be).
Most people understand, most people see it as mature, but his parents, they see him to be selfish. they see him to be disregarding of her feelings. They assume its just a phase. It's not. He's happy they were happy as a couple, but things change, situations change and people change. Now he's happy their just friends. One day his parent's will understand that. For now he will have to put up with their disappointment in the whole situation. He knows they only want him to be happy, but if they want him to be happy they would listen completely rather than with selective hearing.
This is not the end he realises, its the beginning. Its a new start. The old other half can be involved in his life to an extent as long as they are both happy to continue as friends, it will simply be in a different way than it was before. He on the other hand can continue with his life and spend more time to himself ensuring no one gets hurt along the way. Prioritising his work, Friends .... and maybe the odd drink
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
Chin up Davy Jones :(
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