Dearest [Annonymous Residence Location],
As much as I think you are all great as people, I now feel obliged to let you know a few things after a note left on our door this morning (29 April 2008).
The very fact that you can accuse our flat of making the smell that only started occurring when the hole in the roof appeared and water started leaking through it is unbelievable. What makes it worse is that you have either never been up since then or never noticed a smell since backing up the point that it is blatantly not us, but you have ignored the hole in our roof, either with your eyes or by not getting messages through to the janitors correctly or you have just not been up to do the monthly checks at all.
It may be taken into account that 2 janitors have to be on the day that our roof has to be fixed but considering we were told that by after Christmas we would have our problem solved and it was only fixed very recently I think that all the exclamation marks and accusations were a bit out of order. Claiming that all of flat 16 caused the smell in the flat is not only outrageous but also insulting!! (<--- How do you like it? hurts doesn’t it?)
Talking of delayed responses, electricity bills 6 at a time isn’t exactly ideal either. Now I live in the dark most of the time. Sometimes ill rub 2 pieces of flint together to get a spark but then ill remember how sensitive your fire alarms are and ill stop. Its completely unfair what you have done to us and we have no time to ration our electricity anymore as we have no time to budget. I have very little money at present and am not happy to think I will be taking out a loan now to cover my costs of electricity when it could have been easily avoided. I, along with everyone else have visited the mailroom many times and have given you many opportunities to pass on the bills and yet you held them back from us for so long that life is become more complicated than any of us ever needed it to be.
Taking all this into account I hope you will at least not charge us for the drawing pin hole in the kitchen door that you have made when putting the note that you so kindly left us, it warms my heart thinking about it now….. I will be asking for a breakdown of costs if I am charged a single penny when I leave as at least on my part the flat will be in a good condition when I depart.
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
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