i have a lot of friends. i also have a lot of secrets. secrets ranging in depth of how 'secret' they actually are. i find keeping other people's secrets much easier than keeping my own ive found too. and what ive really found is that if you can find someone to trust with one of your secrets then your really lucky.
its amazing how many people can say 'you can tell me anything'. they will usually have a few reasons for saying this:
1. gossip - they cant wait to tell someone else
2. they cant wait to know something someone else doest know
3. they cant wait to have something on you to use as blackmail
4. they might actually be sincere
now the people who gossip, dont be mad at them, you've probably been one. but lets face it, it gets us nowhere. the people who just want to know something - thats just sad. but the people who listen they're the mates you need to keep by you and return the favour when the time comes. and it will. probably over a few beers but it'll come. people keep secrets all the time and telling someone who ca actually keep quiet it an awesome thing. ive been the guy who listens and ive got a few people who i can talk to, different depths of things to different people maybe but it still happens.
the world is full of secrets........ whats yours?
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
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