to sum up in more than a few words;
had an awesome day out yesterday with rob who was his usual banterous self, cl (who i kept jumping between the many names i know her by) and ross (who i thought was called russ half the time). eventually we were joined by more people, some of which i had met before (yet they had no recollection of me) and others were brand new - indiana jones was one.... and my theory of 'everyones called dave was proven right as i met 2 others by the same name affectionately (i assume) known as turbo dave and party dave....... i didnt have a nickname, but i did have on a sweet jacket, charity shop bought and tweed like though it was it was perfect. i somehow even got into campus and kusion with it, and bouners in glasgow hate me!!
i spent most of the night talking crap i assume, tis my normal way but made some single serving friends at least and they were all very nice. i however was very much in the mood for dancing and found it highly amusing when i got lost in the club when i started dancing alone. it didnt mater to me though, nor did it matter that i dance like a loon. i was having fun, i even started talking to people about my jacket and i believe at one point i may have called it sexy....
what made it better was that every time i looked at my clock time seemed to be moving slowly, just for me - as if to say 'its your last nite in glasgow for a while probably dave, enjoy it!', so i did... i was even prepared to stay alone until 3 if i had to but decided that people who lived in the same direction as me leaving half an hour earlier was a happy medium, especially since i had to get up at 10 for an appointment today!
but i enjoyed last night a lot, and for different reasons; my new jacket, great company, new faces and old ones, gettin tipsy, dancing, bouncers not hating me, pretending i was 'brushing dirt off my shoulder' jay-z style, and having a night out to remember.
i leave glasgow tomorrow, i dont know how long for, forever? a week, a month.... till i get a job here, till i visit a friend? i really dont know. ill be back but maybe i need a fresh start from this place. im really happy for the friends i have made though this year and i hope that we do keep in touch and you let me pester you whenever the opportunity arises ..... seriously, farms aren't that amusing!!
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
Hooray for elbow sleeves!
You called me Cat at one point but I am indeed the Girl with Many Names x
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