last night i briefly met a guy called rob. hes 21. he mentioned a party he was having this evening..... not that i was invited. but i was bored, so figured i ciuld workm myb magic. betwee lynsey who didnt technically have an invite either, fiona and and adam (fionas bf/the guys whis 21st it was's bestr mate) i got multiple invites, twas grand. what whas to come of the night was still to be delved into however...........
me knowingn no-one being thrust into a familynanjd friend -do having to say ive know the man of the evening for a grand totall of 3 hours... magic. i did get a wee bit tipsy howeverb and think itn more like a task however and it was nore liie wedding crashers, the more i got wy with it the better,
we - and by we i mean me and adam (the girls left to go home ehilst i went where the party took me) i didnt knnow where it was - cos i didnt knownwhere id been, but it was fun. and my efforst at chatting up the pretty bblonde girl from earlier were going well, that was until the other guy she liked came into the room..... settle for second best you say? screw that i say!!
and i must point ouyt that althout some neds did kick my newly found friends car for almost running them over.... they were lovely to me, and even offered me drink and a place to sleep.... ive never feltn more wanted by 2 female neds in my life. the guy ned looked quite pused aside at this point. but it made me smile inside.
so back at birthday boys house i wss upstairs and called my friend adam after a period of time to enquire of his whereabouts, 'home' he replied 'fuck' i resorted. i ran out of the house and started ru on it wentnnning before realising i dindnt know where i was or where i was running. it was hillarious but scary at that same time! i called a taxi and while waiting oon it went up to a boy cruiser who looked like h'ed rather run me over than answer 'no'.
i got back to my friends house eventually, it really wasnt far but i didnt know hat at the time. ive been typing a long time now do guess i should stop even though ive left things out and vital spelling mistajes!!!!
love your dastrardly davus x
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
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