Don't worry, thats not a bad thing. Its just a point. Its a point to stop spending time being upset about things i cant do anything about and moping like i have been doing for the last while and start getting on with things again.
What im basically saying is that life flies by, if you dont reach out and grab a piece of it then it'll all be gone before you can do anything about it. There are highs, there are lows but overall and eventually you have to realise that you have to keep the good memories and learn from the bad experiences, put your life back on track as soon as you can and try as hard as you can not to dwell on where you could have been better.
New experiences will come along, maybe old ones will cross your path again and by then you'll know how to handle them better and remember that your friends really are there for you.
Focus on what you need to, be selfish from time to time but never forget those that have helped you when you have needed it most and this is your big chance at life, make the most of it, do your best but dont be afraid to make mistakes, they are how you learn, how you become better next time round.
This is my life, and its ending one minute at a time ...... so im going to make the best of every single second..
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
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