Dont Expect, Look For It Or Want It.
Thats my theory anyway. i mean there are signs, things can happen for a reason, things can be and before completely turning around and giving you that great feeling you've been waiting for.
There was a guy I knew once who thought it couldt get any better and then it did. slowly things started to fall apart though and he thought the world was against him. its not though, things just take a bit of time to re-allign themselves to fit back into a new order of whats right. he's not there yet but hes getting there, his mates are with him and he understands what hes gotta do to get there. chances cant slip past him anymore and if they happen to maybe they weren't the chances he was waiting on. maybe they were just the things that were building him up to learn from.
He's becoming more confident now. i can see it already. he's not expecting anything good to happen anytime soon, he's not looking for it, he doesnt even want anything permanent. he just wants an opportunity to prove that he's worth something to himself as well as other people and get a fresh start at life, make some new friends and make things happen for himself.
if i can start to make it happen so can he, thats what i figure anyways. im not there yet either but i will be. and so will he.
good things come to those who........
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
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